Nolwenn Leroy questioned about his sexuality: the companion of Arnaud Clément answers without scrolling!

Invited as part of the promotion of her new album The mareon March 12, 2022 in the show We are live on France 2, Nolwenn Leroy was treated to a very special quiz from the host Léa Salamé. The pitch? Find out if the singer (who will turn 40 on September 28, 2022) would prefer this or that at 20 or 40. To start gently, the acolyte ofLaurent Ruquier first asked the godmother of the Abbé-Pierre Foundation if she thinks she is a better singer today than at the start of her career. But very quickly, the interview switches to much more personal questions for the performer of the title. Broken.

Was it better with Jacques Chirac or now with Emmanuel Macron?“asks the host. Embarrassed, the singer smiles but is slow to respond.”I was born nostalgic too so I would always tell you it was better before no matter what“, she breathes, before being taken over by Léa Salamé who seems decidedly very curious about the private life of her guest. “Was sex better before?“. Not letting herself be destabilized, the former winner of the star Academy – in a relationship with Arnaud Clément for more than ten years – answers without hesitation: “Oh no, that’s better at 40. Oh yes, always.

It’s good for the companion of the moment… It’s broadcast eh Léa? We’ll ask him backstage, but the show is on the air…“, adds Laurent Ruquier. Visibly in a hurry to change the subject and not to discuss his intimate life in more detail, Nolwenn Leroy continues and takes up the political question of Léa Salamé: “I also believe that today we are faced with different socio-political issues…“.

As a reminder, Nolwenn Leroy met her companion, tennis player Arnaud Clément in 2008. In 2017, they welcomed their first child, a little boy named Marin. The title My handsome corsair from his new album The mare is a hymn of love entirely dedicated to his son.

On the audience side, the show We are live attracted 17.1% of PDAs, i.e. nearly 1,023,000 viewers.

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