Nolwenn Leroy: Her son Marin was not supposed to be called that at the start, she explains

It is no longer a secret for anyone: Nolwenn Leroy carries Brittany, his native region, deeply in his heart. It would thus have been logical for her to give her son, born on July 12, 2017, a first name from there. But the singer, who is celebrating her 40th birthday today, preferred to name it “Marin”, in homage to those who live at sea. ‘Ocean and marine life.

“Initially, I wanted to give my son a purely Breton, Celtic first name, and then finally this first name imposed itself because it carries within it all of Brittany but also far beyond courage, travel, sailors. The sea. Everything brings me back to the sea. It is an infinite source of inspiration” had explained the companion of.

Afraid to see our children grow up

This first name has also given many parents ideas since since the birth of the little boy, the popularity of his first name has doubled, then tripled. In 2020, 686 new little “Marins” were born…”So much the better” rejoiced the interpreter of Michao’s Mare. “The first name Nolwenn had also climbed at the time of the StarAc ! It makes me happy, it’s a pretty name”. She also took advantage of this interview to confide in her little boy, in particular on the fears that accompany him on a daily basis as a young mother.

We are all a little afraid to see our children grow up. At the same time we expect that, we want to carry them, see them come out of the nest, that they have self-confidence, that they have dreams, passions, that they thirst for life, to travel. It’s not for nothing that his name is Marin! But at the same time, we are also seized with an anguish at the arrival of a child that we have never known before. Before, we are anxious for ourselves, we do not have the responsibility of a small being. And then you can no longer imagine your life without him, it’s crazy love and it’s scary. We are a little steeped in anguish,” she said of her son.

Last year, she paid homage to him through the title My handsome corsair, composed with the help of Benjamin Biolay.

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