Noémie (Love is in the meadow): Moment of embarrassment with her darling Gaël, Karine Le Marchand “freaked out”

The love season has resumed on M6. This Monday, August 22, the 17th season of Love is in the meadow has officially been launched. This year there are 13 candidates (9 men and 4 women, aged 25 to 70). When the portraits were shown, viewers had already been able to meet Noemie, a 25-year-old grain farmer and suckler cow breeder from Bourgogne-Franche Comté. The youngest of the season has suffered a lot in her past, victim of several infidelities. Today, she is ready to relaunch herself in a serious relationship and even to start a family very quickly.

But Noémie does not want just anyone and has a certain type of man: rugby players, big and strong. Four suitors apparently met her criteria according to their letters, those she decided to meet at speed-datings. Firstly there is Roman, 27-year-old rugby player from Aisne and commercial in the agricultural sector. He too was disappointed in love for the same reasons as Noémie and found himself single for 4 years. He is now ready to share his life with someone again and the pretty blonde has turned out to be a real “falling for something” to the distribution of his portrait. He then did not hesitate to shower her with compliments once in front of her. The discussion was also fluid and they found many points in common. Noémie found it very interesting but stuck on one detail: its size. “He is small huh“, she dropped later.

Time to think about it, she was able to meet Gael, his “darling” after reading his letter. Unfortunately, the situation was somewhat awkward at first. Very stressed, Gaël was not very cheerful or talkative, answering Noémie’s questions only in monosyllables. Even Karine Le Marchand says she is “freaked”, fearing that he will not do the trick for the future. And yet, Noémie is under the spell, believing that Gaël “has quite the character“which he needs.”I know what I want and I know what I don’t want and I think it’s part of what I want“, she confided. The crush is therefore confirmed.

It is quite naturally that she then offered to join her for a few days at her place. Noémie also chose to give Romain a chance.

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