Noël Le Graët will announce his resignation from the French Football Federation

During the executive committee scheduled for this Tuesday morning, Noël Le Graët, the president of the French Football Federation will announce his resignation according to information from Radio France.

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Noël Le Graët, the president of the French Football Federation, will announce his resignation during an executive committee scheduled for Tuesday morning around 10 a.m. at the headquarters of the FFF, learned franceinfo from a close source, confirming information from the newspaper The Team.

>> SURVEY. Audit of the FFF: what the inspectors hold against Noël Le Graët

A large page of French football is thus about to turn with this expected resignation of the 81-year-old businessman – including eleven in office – caught up with accusations of harassment, an overwhelming audit mission. Noël Le Graët is singled out by an audit report from the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research (IGESR), for “behavioral deviations”judged “incompatible with the exercise of the functions and the requirement of exemplarity which is attached to it”. Its management”lonely” of power and its behaviors in particular emerged clearly.

Philippe Diallo in the interim

Around the FFF “ComEx” table at 10 a.m., there will therefore be 13 at the start, then 12. Despite the unpredictability of the 81-year-old businessman, he must speak first to announce his departure two years from the end of his third term, described as “too much” by many today. More and more isolated in recent weeks, overtaken by accusations of harassment and several slippages, he has been in withdrawal since January 11 after remarks on Zinedine Zidane.

Convinced by those close to him to throw in the towel, Noël Le Graët plans to plead his record at the head of the institution and to “defend one’s honor“. It is the vice-president of the FFF, Philippe Diallo, who will take over until June 2023.

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