Guest on the programme Questions politiques, the former European Commissioner explained his recent resignation. He also commented on the composition of Michel Barnier’s government, announced on Saturday evening.
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“Nobody got my skin, I was the one who resigned, because I felt I had to do it”reacted Thierry Breton, former European Commissioner for the internal market, guest on Sunday September 22 on Questions politiques on France Inter, franceinfo TV and The WorldHe resigned from the European Commission on Monday, September 16, after a standoff with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
“If you feel that you no longer have the conditions, you draw the consequences”he said, referring to a “a decision that we do not take lightly”.
Asked to comment on the political situation in France, Thierry Breton said that “It is a government that is clearly centre-right, we finally have a coalition between Renaissance and the Republicans, under the control of the extreme right and Marine Le Pen.”
Asked what the absence of the left bloc in this government coalition means, Thierry Breton rejects the idea of a denial of democracy. “I think the President of the Republic was righthe believes. It is clear that this coalition (right and centre-right) is stronger than the other”he adds. According to the former European Commissioner, France is not immune to what is happening in Europe: a shift “massively and significantly” to the right of political powers. “15 of the 27 states that make up the EU are right-wing, some more than others, we can think of Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, that is the Europe we are in today”he notes.