No worries for the Aucard festival in Tours despite the installation of travelers at La Gloriette

The Aucard festival in Tours begins this Friday to install its plain equipment at La Gloriette, for a launch of the festivities on Tuesday, June 7. Béton Production teams have to deal with a large camp of Travelers, an evangelical mission installed for a few days on the space used in part by Aucard de Tours. “We spoke with their pastor, their electrician. They don’t come with the idea of ​​ruining our festival” explains Cédric Grouhan, the general manager of the festival. “We try to go see them on good terms (…) we explain to them what we are going to do, and how we can live together during the editing period.”

A departure scheduled for Sunday, two days before the start of the festival

Béton Production can set up its festival village because the dozens of caravans do not occupy the playground used by Aucard of Tours. “Travelers are installed in what is called our car park, the large meadow. This is not where we set up our marquee and our DIY stock“says Cédric Grouhan. For the rest of the installation, ticket offices, water and electricity connections, in the area currently occupied by the camp, you just have to reorganize.They leave on Sunday” announces Cédric Grouhan. “This shifts our installation a little, we will anticipate something else and we will do that at the last minute. They are serious people. When they say they’re leaving, they’re leaving.

According to our sources, the evangelical mission had no choice. She could only settle on this groundthe traveler reception area that was intended for him, so busy when he arrived, by another camp that had stayed longer than planned, apparently for medical reasons.

Aucard de Tours, the big comeback

Canceled in 2020, restricted in 2021, Aucard de Tours signs this year its big comeback in its “pre-pandemic” format, on the Plaine de la Gloriette. “The full gauge is 4,500 people per day and we’re already not bad, we have a lot of presales for Friday, Saturday, Tuesday” announces Cédric Grouhan. It strongly advises to book.

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