no wedding in June with Delphine Tellier, the unexpected announcement on Instagram!

After divorcing Kylie and Maverick’s mother in 2016, Jean-Pascal Lacoste found happiness in the arms of Delphine Tellier. Despite the fifteen years that separate them, the two lovebirds are more in love than ever. “I met someone with whom things are going divinely well. We are getting married very quickly and we are going to have a third baby” he confided on this subject to Faustine Bollaert.

The couple had announced their marriage in 2019 but everything was delayed by the health crisis. A few weeks ago, Jean-Pascal Lacoste however announced: “I’m getting married next year, June 25, 2022”. Only here, it will still have to be aborted. But this time, it’s for a topic that could not be more joyful.

Although they said they absolutely wanted to get married before expanding the family, the lovers announced a happy event this Saturday, February 5 on Instagram by posting a photo of the couple revealing an ultrasound in their hands. This snap was accompanied by the following message: “Official announcement. We kept this secret for a long time, but today it’s time to share our happiness with you! Especially since at almost 5 months it becomes difficult to hide my belly from you. As you may have discovered on @50inside’s Instagram, our blended family is growing! From now on, we will no longer be 4 but 5 for our greatest happiness“. Regarding the sex of the baby, the two lovebirds gave an appointment to their subscribers on TF1 a little later in the day.

Already the father of two children, Jean-Pascal Lacoste forms a blended family with his darling. Moreover, Delphine Tellier delivered on the difficult beginnings with Kylie and Maverik. “At the beginning, Kylie thought that I was going to steal her father (…) Finally, by dint of talking and patience, things happened naturally. I always said that I did not want to take the place of their mother, a mom stays a mom, we only have one” confessed the little sister of Sylvie Tellier. The arrival of this baby is all the more likely to tighten the bonds of the happy little tribe therefore!

It remains to be seen whether the wedding will again be postponed or whether Delphine Tellier will make an appointment with the seamstress to make some adjustments because of her rounded belly. Congratulations to both future parents!

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