Video length: 9 min
Europeans 2024: “No, we are not going to give up on you”, replies Adrien Quatennens to Raphaël Glucksmann
Adrien Quatennens, LFI deputy from the North, is the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday May 28.
(France 2)
Adrien Quatennens, LFI deputy from the North, is the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday May 28.
During the debate on the Europeans on BFM-TV, Monday May 27, the candidate of the PS and Place publique, Raphaël Glucksmann, asked that LFI be able to “drop the sneakers”. “No, we’re not going to give up on you. Why aren’t we going to do it? Because Raphaël Glucksmann is the incarnation of anti-NUPES”, explains Adrien Quatennens, LFI deputy from the North, guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday May 28. According to Adrien Quatennens, Raphaël Glucksmann is “a candidacy for the Macronists disappointed with Emmanuel Macron”.
At least 45 people were killed during an Israeli army bombardment on a camp for displaced people west of Rafah (Gaza). The President of the Republic had very harsh words against the action of the Israeli army. “Very harsh words are not enough. Emmanuel Macron must stop talking now and act now. Act how? Do as certain European countries have just done: recognize the State of Palestine, create an arms embargo, denounce certain agreements partnership with Israel”indicates Adrien Quatennens.
“Since October, we still have the impression that the world is turned upside down: the supporters of peace, whose voices are raised to denounce the ongoing massacre in Gaza, are slandered and repainted in anti-Semitic”specifies the LFI deputy, adding: “I am not anti-Semitic, I hate racism and there are no anti-Semites in La France insoumise”.