no trains between Nantes and Ancenis due to works

Train traffic will be completely interrupted for more than 30 hours during the long Pentecost weekend between Nantes and Ancenis. This measure will take effect on Saturday June 4 at 9 p.m. and will extend until Monday June 6 at 6 a.m. This closure of the line is the result of signaling work that must be carried out to improve the railway system of the Blottereau. It is on this site, on the outskirts of Nantes, that a major project was launched in 2019. In November 2022, it will bring together in one place the rail activities currently divided between the island of Nantes (State station) and Nantes-Blottereau.

Terminus in Angers for the TGV

The work carried out over the Pentecost weekend will be carried out without interruption, which explains the total cut in traffic. The TER are replaced by coaches. As for the TGV, some will be removed, others diverted by Rennes but most will leave and arrive in Angers. Travelers will be there transported by car. Between Nantes and Paris, it will therefore take a journey time of around three hours compared to two in normal times. SNCF has put all traffic information on its website.

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