no the Russian army does not move with mobile crematoriums


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Several British media such as the Mirror or the Telegraph, and also CNews in France, claim that the Russian army would be accompanied by mobile crematoriums in its offensive in Ukraine.

In its offensive in Ukraine, the Russian army would be accompanied by mobile crematoriums? This is claimed by several British media such as the Mirror or the Telegraph, and also CNews in France. The aim would be to burn the bodies of Russian soldiers who died in combat to conceal the losses. To flesh out this announcement, we find the same images of a truck equipped with an incinerator.

In fact, no such vehicle has been detected since the start of the war in Ukraine. It all started with a press conference by British Defense Minister Ben Wallace last week. In front of journalists, he mentions these mobile crematoriums, but affirming that we expect to see them in Ukraine, on the pretext that the Russian army has already deployed them in the past. Pure conjecture, then. Which was however taken up as if it were a fact by several media.

Asked by Désintox, the British Defense Secretariat confirms that such devices have not been observed in Ukraine but maintains that they have been used in the past.

During the Donbass war in 2014-2015, Ukraine’s security chief claimed that seven mobile crematoriums were brought to the Donetsk region. Statement taken up later by some titles of the American press. Denied by the Russian authorities, the information has never been fully authenticated.

At the time, we found in addition to the articles the same images as those that we have seen in recent days. Images that prove nothing. They date from 2013 and are in fact taken from an advertisement by the Russian company Tourmaline, which builds incinerators in Russia, in particular to neutralize biological and chemical waste.

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