Video length: 10 min
2024 Legislative Elections: “No, the match is not over” announces Anne Hidalgo
2024 Legislative Elections: “No, the match is not over” announces Anne Hidalgo
(France 2)
The mayor of Paris was the guest of “Les 4 Vérités” on France 2 on Tuesday.
If the National Rally came out on top in this first round of the 2024 legislative elections, for the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, “The game is not over and we must do everything to ensure that the extreme right does not have a majority on Sunday“. Questioned in the “4 Vérités” on Tuesday July 2, the socialist mayor asserts that it is necessary “mobilize all forces“faced with the risk of seeing the RN at Matignon, which in his eyes would constitute a renunciation of”our values“.
If the mayor of Paris recognizes that Jordan Bardella’s party has been able to evolve its discourse in relation to Jean-Marie Le Pen’s National Front to make it “a little bit audible“, it remains the same. For Anne Hidalgo, “The far right remains the far right and sows chaos wherever it goes.“. The Parisian elected official even claims that “The far right is the enemy of democracy“.