no “significant beginning of a decline” in the region yet

The viral circulation of the Coronavirus remains “very active” in New Aquitaine, warns Public Health France this Friday in its weekly epidemiological bulletin. Although incidence and detection rates are stabilizing in the region, for the third consecutive week, “an increase in the positivity rate is noted”. If the situation has been “generally stable” since the end of March, there is not yet “significant onset of decline”, summarizes the public health agency.

The positivity rate represents the percentage of positive cases, compared to the number of tests. In this 14th week of the year, which began on Monday April 11, it is 36.2%, against 35.3% the previous week. “More than 67,000 new cases are still detected per week in the region, which testifies to very active viral circulation”, warns Public Health France.

Departments less impacted

In detail, some departments in the region are less impacted and are seeing this positivity rate decrease. This is the case of Creuse, where it goes from 36.8% to 35.7% and Lot-et-Garonne (from 35.6% to 32.6%). In Gironde, it has not changed compared to the previous week, remaining at 32.5%. In these three departments, the incidence rate is also falling.

Slight increase in the number of new hospitalizations

As in previous weeks, the number of new hospitalizations “is slowly continuing to rise”, indicates Public Health France, with 784 new people concerned this week, against 683 the previous one. Figures that still remain far from the “peak observed at the end of January, beginning of February”, with more than 1,300 new hospitalizations at the time.

As observed by the public health agency in previous weekly surveys, these increases continue to concern mainly people aged 60 and over. A population that represents approximately 84% of new hospitalizations in this 14th week. We do not yet know the state of vaccination coverage for the second booster dose of this population since 60-79 year olds are affected by this 4th dose of vaccine.

source site-38