“No psychosis” says the town hall of Thairé after possible attempts to kidnap children

Inform but do not create psychosis. The town hall of Thairé, a town located in Charente-Maritime near La Rochelle, provides details after its Facebook post on Saturday January 22. In it, she calls on parents to be vigilant after “worrying facts of attempted child abductions”. The mayor, like the gendarmes, remain cautious and do not want to panic the population. Two complaints were filed, two children were allegedly approached according to the mayor, Marie-Gabrielle Chupeau.

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A motorist who approaches and urges them to get on

“We were informed of two cases, one last week, the second two weeks before”, details the chosen one. The facts are similar: the two children were riding bicycles, a car approached them, the motorist opened the door to encourage them to get in. “Each time it was the same type of vehicle, indicates the mayor. And it was always _in broad daylight, right in the town center_, at noon or after 5 p.m. One of the children had gone out to buy bread, the other was returning home after playing.”

The gendarmes are investigating, they too call for vigilance without creating psychosis. The police explain that there are very few elements at the moment and that it is necessary check testimonials from very young children.

The town hall gives some advice: report any suspicious facts as soon as possible, alert the children so that they do not agree to get into an unknown vehicle, whatever the reason.

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