no program of presidential candidates respects the Paris Agreement according to an association

The plans of the presidential candidates “are not up to par the danger of the climate crisis“, according to the analysis of The Shift Project published this Tuesday in several media including franceinfo. The think tank believes that no candidate for the Elysée is offering a “systematic approach“, articulated, precise and quantified, which makes it possible to respect the Paris Agreement of 2015. Like the 194 other signatories, France is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030. But none of the candidatesdoes not present a plan with sufficiently coherent and detailed measures“so that his program could be called “very close” of the Paris agreement, believes the think tank, chaired by Jean-Marc Jancovici.

No candidate fully meets the objectives of the Paris Agreement

Sobriety, nuclear and renewable energy… The association has studied the main proposals of the candidates to decarbonize France over the next five years. The Shifters evaluated the programs through the lens of the National Low Carbon Strategy. France’s roadmap for combating climate change, it provides guidelines for implementing the transition to a low-carbon economy in several sectors of activity (transport, buildings, agriculture, forests, industry, energy and waste). , circular and sustainable.

Result: the two candidates whose program is most in line with the objectives of the Paris agreement are Jean-Luc Melenchon and Yannick Jadot. According to the association, the program of the candidate of insubordinate France is “full” on the environment since it “covers all sectors. The candidate of La France insoumise is, still according to The Shifters, “one of the few to deal with the consumption of meat and proposes in particular the exit from factory farming.”

“Measures contrary” to the objectives in the RN program

The three candidates who, according to the association, are furthest from it, are Marine Le Pen, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Jean Lassallewho “even present contrary measures” to the objectives. In detail, the program of the candidate of the National Rally “addresses only partially” the objectives set by the Paris agreement. “Other measures go against the objectives, such as stopping wind projects and lowering VAT on all energies“, notes The Shifters.

About the outgoing president Emmanuel Macronhis proposals are “generally consistent“with the objectives of the Paris agreement, “like its desire to build new nuclear reactors or to decarbonize heavy industry.” However, according to the association, sobriety is “absent” of its program, as well as the development of rail, the reorientation of subsidies and investments unfavorable to the climate, social support for the transition or even the preservation of soil.

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