“no place in master”, Rose and Sana sent to college more than 900 km from home

Their names are Rose and Sana. These students from Lyon both obtained their license last June. One in psychology, the other in law. But to date they cannot go back to the University of Lyon 2, there is no place for them in a master’s degree in this university.

Rose Dubs and Sana Madrane embarked on their higher education with great motivation. Despite the difficulties encountered, they do not have to be ashamed of their studies. Sana had an average of 11 at the end of the License and Rose 14.5 which earned him the mention “Good”.

They therefore do not understand why they are rejected today when entering a Master’s degree at the University of Lyon2. They consider themselves victims of a selection system which, according to them, is arbitrary. And also feel a lot of contempt in the responses of the University.

Despite an appeal procedure to the Rectorate, the University of Lyon 2 offers them reorientations towards other licenses : the risk for her is significant: losing a year in their university career. They are also advised to go to other universities very far from their homes, such as Brest for example. Brest is 975km from Lyon: how to cope with this move and change of life?

They can also enroll in much more expensive training. Solutions that they refuse, because all of them are beyond their financial means.

video length: 28sec

Without college

©France Televisions

Faced with an administration insensitive to their arguments, Rose and Sana joined the collective of “Sans facs” supported by the student unions UNEF and Solidaires. Across France, several hundred students, a few dozen in Lyon, came forward to voice their orientation problems. Mobilizations which succeeded in weighing last year to resolve the orientation difficulties of several hundred students. But according to the unions, these blockages in orientation affected more than 9,000 students in 2020. They are therefore calling on the government and university presidents for quick solutions to create more places in the most demanded masters.

This problem of selection at the entrance to the Masters is known and recognized by university officials. The presidency of the University of Lyon 2 like Sylvie Retailleau, the Minister of Universities, traveling to Lyon on September 2, 2022, recognize the reality of blocked situations.

But in Lyons 2, we only claim to manage the lack of means of the University. There would be a lack of several dozen places, just in Lyon in the most demanded fields such as law and psychology. So an additional budget, to cope with the increase in the number of students.

On the Minister’s side, the solution does not involve increasing resources. The project is to change the selection system to improve the orientation of all students entering the master’s degree. A kind of platform could be set up next year to prevent master’s places from becoming vacant in certain universities, when other establishments refuse students.

Not sure that this kind of platform reassures students today on the floor. No more than the unions who hope that their level of mobilizations in the weeks will move the heads of universities like the government.

To hope to get the training of their choice, they joined the collective of “Sans Fac” who demonstrated this morning in front of Lyon 2 University.

source site-33