Around 50 ultra-right activists gathered in Annecy on Thursday near the playground where the knife attack took place. They responded to calls made on social networks with the hashtag #francocide, a term coined by Éric Zemmour. More protests are planned for this weekend.
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“These demonstrations have no place with us today in Annecy”, declares Saturday June 10 on franceinfo Frédérique Lardet, president (Horizons) of the urban community of Greater Annecy, after an ultra-right gathering near the place of the knife attack which left six injured, including four children. It may not be the last: a call to organize white marches, everywhere in France this weekend, has been launched by this movement.
“These political acts prior to obtaining answers have no place and will never have their place on our territory” Annecy, adds the elected. A few hours after this attack, the prosecutor of Annecy, Line Bonnet-Mathis, considered that the motivations of the assailant seemed devoid of “apparent terrorist motive”adding cannot “exclude at this stage a senseless act”.
“It represents a microcosm”
This mobilization of the ultra-right, “we refute it, of course”, launches Frédérique Lardet. According to her, “It represents a microcosm”. At the first gathering after the attack on Thursday evening, “barely fifty people” were present, while the organizers “announced 300, 400 people”. This event was banned by the prefecture of Haute-Savoie.
>>> Knife attack in Annecy: “We must avoid any idea of psychosis”, tempers the prefect of Haute-Savoie
Between Annecy residents and the ultra-right, “it’s not that”, she assures. Indeed, “the people of Annecy are rather sensitive, peaceful people”, she adds. “We will have answers, as elected officials, to put in place and to give to Annecy residents who are worried about their safety, but without speaking of ultra-right, without speaking of racism, without using abject terms”, adds- she.