“No pasarán”, a rap against the extreme right, denounced by Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen

“I hope that the public prosecutor will take up this abjection,” reacted the MP for Pas-de-Calais on the social network X.



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Marine Le Pen, June 30, 2024 in Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), the evening of the first round of the legislative elections. (FRANCOIS LO PRESTI / AFP)

“Abjection”, “toxic” : Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella denounced, Tuesday July 2, on their social networks, It will not passThe song, as well as its video, were put online by a collective of about ten rappers, including Fianso and Akhenaton. The funds generated by the listening will be donated to the Abbé-Pierre Foundation.

“The famous ‘incisive punchlines’: calls for murder, violent misogyny, crass anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories”reacted Jordan Bardella, president of the RN, above screenshots of the slogans of It will not pass. “The mental universe of the extreme left is increasingly toxic. And the media that endorses this have lost all decency…”he continues. “The New Popular Front. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? I hope the prosecution will take up this abjection.”post on her side Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly, above a capture of other formulas (“Fuck the RN”, “France is us, not these bastards”).

Brought together under the leadership of producer and composer Djamel Fezari, aka DJ Kore, and artistic director Ramdane Touhami, the artists, including Seth Gueko, Zola and Soso Maness, began producing this track the day after the European elections. “The situation is serious. When we learn that the leading party for young people is the RN, if we did not react, it would be a serious mistake on our part (…) it is our way of campaigning”Ramdane Touhami told AFP about the single named after the Spanish slogan against General Franco’s regime in the 1930s.

“This is the new version of ‘Youth annoys the National Front'”, punchline of a 40-year-old song by the punk group Bérurier noir, still chanted in demonstrations against the extreme right, Ramdane Touhami wants to believe.

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