“No one deserves to die in these conditions”, reacts LREM deputy Bruno Questel

“No one deserves to die in these conditions”reacted on Monday March 21 on franceinfo Bruno Questel, LREM deputy for Eure, after the death of the separatist Yvan Colonna, almost three weeks after his attack in prison. “Tonight a man died because he was murdered”recalls Bruno Questel. “We must not forget what happened in February 1998”with the assassination of the prefect Erignac. “Yvan Colonna was a man like everyone else, who did not deserve to die.”

The deputy, favorable to the rapprochement in Corsica of the detainees, wants to respect “a period of mourning”while some voices believe that “If the law had been applied and Colonna brought closer, this tragedy would not have happened”as expressed on franceinfo Michel Castellani, deputy Freedoms and Territories of the 1st district of Haute-Corse.

“There will be the time for the explanation, for the truth, which is essential, and the time for the public display of everything that has been done or not done.”

Bruno Questel, LREM deputy for Eure

at franceinfo

While the Minister of the Interior made a commitment during his recent visit to Corsica to ensure that the whole truth is known about the circumstances of this assassination, the deputy from Eure confirms that “The conditions under which this assassination was perpetrated must be effectively clarified. We owe it to the deceased. We owe it to his family, we owe it to his children and we also owe it to society”. Bruno Questel recalls that “The prison environment is very hard that this type of dramatic event can happen”. What happened to Yvan Colonna “must also ask us about questions relating to the motivations of the assassin” of the separatist. “You have to look at it later, once the mourning has passed, once the emotion has passed to look at things rationally, but also efficiently.”

The member wishes to point out that with the death of Yvan Colonna, “It is not a question of rehabilitating the person who has been convicted of murder. It is simply a question of respecting the mourning of his own family. Yvan Colonna simply did not deserve to be murdered”. “Tonight, it is the question that a man was murdered in prison while he was placed under DPS status, that he had to be watched and protected”adds Bruno Questel, “Unfortunately, it didn’t.”

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