no “official discussion” on the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to kyiv is underway, according to Poland

What there is to know

The transfer of F-16 fighter jets from the Polish Air Force to Ukraine is not subject to any “official chat”said Wojciech Skurkiewicz, Polish Deputy Defense Minister, on Tuesday, January 31. “Subject does not exist”, he insisted. Warsaw has 48 American-made F-16 fighter jets. On Monday, the United States objected to sending these devices to kyiv. Follow our live.

Moscow claims the capture of a new village north of Bakhmout. The Russian Ministry of Defense assures that “the locality of Blagodatné has been liberated” after an offensive“volunteer assault units” supported by air force and artillery. In this city in eastern Ukraine, the Russian army has intensified its offensive and has been making slow progress for several weeks.

Emmanuel Macron receives Ukrainian officials. The Head of State receives Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov on Tuesday and must also meet Rouslan Stefantchouk, the President of the Rada, the Ukrainian Parliament. The latter is invited to speak before the National Assembly in the afternoon, then Wednesday before the senators.

Boris Johnson wants Ukraine to join NATO. In a column published Tuesday in the American newspaper The Washington Post, the former British Prime Minister stresses his desire to launch the process of Ukraine’s accession to NATO. He also insists that “Ukrainians must receive everything they need to end this war as soon as possible”.

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