No, Ms. Plante, your sculptures will not improve the feeling of security

We learned that, to save downtown Montreal, deserted since the pandemic, the City of Montreal is relying on robust and strong initiatives to turn the tide, in particular the installation of street furniture to bring back the feeling of security in the Village .

• Read also: Seven initiatives to save downtown Montreal

In particular, we saw the appearance of animal sculptures which were installed in front of Émilie-Gamelin Park recently.

The QUB studios are located opposite this famous park, on the corner of Berri and Sainte-Catherine, and are therefore at the forefront of the debauchery, dirt and insecurity that reign in this corner of the city.

These sculptures, as cute as they are, don’t stop my fellow researchers from fearing for their safety when they have to report to the office early in the morning. Their testimonies are blood-curdling.

I personally tasted it, in the summer of 2022, when I hosted the morning show, pregnant to the teeth. Many times, I have been yelled at, violently, by intoxicated people. Too often I have had to step over people sleeping on the stairs leading to the studios with all of their belongings strewn about. Dirty syringes, used condoms and feces lined the path between the car and the studio.

What is described here is the daily life of all those who work in this corner of the city. And these pretty animal sculptures have had no effect on the feeling of security, whatever the mayor of Montreal says. Who would like to come to the Village without being required to do so for professional reasons?

To save downtown Montreal, we need a cleaning chore. It is a squad dedicated to homeless people to accompany them to suitable shelters that should be set up. An increased police presence in the Village to fight against drug sellers and pimps and give Émilie-Gamelin Park back to Montrealers is necessary.

Because today, the only ones who benefit from this park are these famous animal sculptures.

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