No miracle for the Girondins de Bordeaux relegated to Ligue 2. And after?

Funny gift to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the club. Ending the season by relegation had not happened to the Girondins de Bordeaux for 30 years. This kind of poisoned gift is never pleasant. And yet! At the end of a catastrophic season, the Marine et Blancs could not do anything to save themselves and finished last in the Ligue 1 championship, behind Saint Etienne and Metz. A few points (and goals) made the difference and led to the sinking of the team led by David Guion. If we waited for the players to break free, they will have waited until the last day to find their way to victory and win their duel against Brest. 4 goals to 2 which will not be enough to stay in the Elite.

I am personally very happy for Sékou Mara with this double. It just feels unfinished with him (Yon Ecenarro)

And after ?

This last minute victory highlights the bad choices of this up and down season. What if it all happened several seasons ago? What if the descent into hell had already begun a long time ago? Relegated to Ligue 2, Bordeaux must now look to the future with a scary deadline: the date of the passage before the DNCG at the end of June. What if Ligue 2 was a lesser evil for our Girondins?

This is the big file at the end of the season to clear the debts. Gerard Lopez will have to be accountable. This is the game of the next few weeks (Dorian Bercheny)

Anyway, you will have to be well prepared because, according to François Grenet, former player of the Girondins de Bordeaux, “Ligue 2 is strong, harsh”. So which team to embark on this new sporting adventure? The Ligue 2 championship begins on the weekend of July 30. The calendar is therefore tight so as not to miss the start of this new championship.

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