“No military option” planned says Clément Beaune


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The Secretary of State for European Affairs assures us that Europe “will not leave the Ukrainians alone”.

“If there was any attack on Ukrainian sovereignty, there would be extremely strong European responses, coordinated with our NATO partners and with the Americans”, affirms this Tuesday morning on franceinfo Clément Beaune, Secretary of State in charge of European Affairs, who does not envisage “military option” while Russia has deployed troops to the Russian-Ukrainian border.

“What happened at the time of the Crimea and Donbass crisis was a great moment of Western weakness, continues Clément Beaune. I believe that it was because the signals sent by the West were not firm that Vladimir Putin allowed himself, saying to himself ‘They won’t do anything, I’m invading, I’m going’. I believe that our signals today are aligned, clear and firm”insisted the Secretary of State for European Affairs. The United States has accused Russia of placing agents in the country to create “a pretext for an invasion”.

“We will not leave the Ukrainians alone”, he hammers. “It does not exclude, and the President of the Republic assumes it, having a dialogue, however difficult it may be, with Vladimir Putin because our goal is not to be a go-to-war , but to defend ourselves, and to tell the Russians that they are not the ones who define what happens in Europe.”


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