no matter Jordan Bardella or Louis Aliot, activists only have eyes for “Marine” in Carpentras

In the premises of the RN of Carpentras (Vaucluse), Marine Le Pen is everywhere, on the posters, plastered on the walls. “With her smile, she’s human“, launches Danièle, who does not want to see her disappear from the political landscape, I hope not ! No, no, we want her our Marine”. “We would miss her“, adds Florelle at her side. It is an almost family friendly bond that these activists feel.

>> National rally: how Jordan Bardella and Louis Aliot compete behind the scenes to take the lead of the party

However, it will have to be resolved, the party will no longer have as president a “The pen“, but will be led either by Jordan Bardella, acting party president, or by Louis Aliot, mayor of Perpignan. The 40,000 members of the RN have until Thursday, November 3 to decide. The new president will take office on Saturday.

Is this the start of a new era for the far-right party? The two activists see it as a change in continuity: “Marine“, as they call it, will remain very active in the movement. “He’s our leader. She is the leader of the group of RN deputies in the National Assembly. Being the president of a party and being a leader of ideas and political struggle in general are two different things.“, argues Florelle. If the members appreciate it so much, it is because they know what they owe it. It is far from the heavy atmosphere and the image of the FN when Patricia joined in 1983 behind Jean- Marie Le Pen. “It was hard, I was in Franche Comté”confides this activist. Now that’s it, it’s anchored everywhere. We are normal now. It’s people who say that, but we’ve always been normal.”

Even if these activists do not like the term de-demonization, they are well aware that Marine Le Pen has changed the image of the party over the past 11 years. “Marine was able to put together a speech that was the same as her father, which was really very frank and very direct, but in a different form, which allowed people not to hurt them, to show them that it was a real party, with real values.”

“Whether it’s Jordan or Louis, it’ll be the same thing, it’ll be continuity. These are the rails, she paved the way.”

Gérard, RN activist in Carpentras

at franceinfo

Rails that must lead to victory in 2027. “Marine made us a party of power, now we are ready to govern”, concludes an activist.

Jordan Bardella or Louis Aliot at the Presidency of the RN: activists only have eyes for “Marine” in Carpentras – the report by Audrey Tison

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