No leader before spring 2025 for the PLQ

The next leader of the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) will not be chosen until spring 2025.

The information first reported by the Quebec Journal was confirmed to The Canadian Press by liberal sources.

“I cannot confirm anything at this stage,” said Millène Bérubé Comtois, a spokesperson for the party, without however offering a formal denial.

She indicated that all the rules would be disclosed Sunday morning at the PLQ general council which takes place this weekend in Drummondville.

Internally, some hoped that a late race would allow time for external candidates to launch.

Two weeks ago, Radio-Canada reported that the vast majority of Liberal elected officials wanted a race in 2025.

The MP for Marguerite-Bourgeoys, Frédéric Beauchemin – the only one to have shown interest in running for the chiefdom – favored the scenario of a faster race in 2024.

However, Mr. Beauchemin was excluded from the Liberal caucus last week following a complaint for psychological harassment which was filed by the president of the party’s youth wing, Élyse Moisan.

Frédéric Beauchemin also plans to be present despite his exclusion from the caucus. The main person concerned assures that he has nothing to reproach himself for in this affair.

Federal Liberal MP Joël Lightbound has not closed the door to launching the leadership race.

Interim leader Marc Tanguay as well as deputies Monsef Derraji, Marwah Rizqy and André Fortin have all closed the door to getting started.

Remember that the party has been without a leader since the resignation of Dominique Anglade last November, following the debacle of the PLQ in the October general elections.

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