For the head of the RN list in the European elections, if it is necessary to “put people around the table”, it is not on the sidelines of commemorations, he explains on France Inter on Wednesday.
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Does Jordan Bardella regret the absence of Vladimir Putin at the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings? “No”, responds the president of the National Rally (RN) and head of the list in the European elections, Wednesday June 5 on France Inter. Nothing to do with the position of Sébastien Chenu, despite being vice-president of his party. On France 3, Sunday, the one who is also an RN deputy and vice-president of the Assembly spoke of a “missed appointment” which would have made it possible to put Ukrainians and Russians “around the table” to find the “ways out of the conflict”.
“In an ideal world, all the powers that participated in the weakening of the Nazi regime and the German army would be present to celebrate the Landing. It seemed complicated to me, given the international context, to invite Vladimir Putin, who started the war at the gates of Europe and precisely to make him stand next to the Ukrainian president”, continues Jordan Bardella.
For the head of the RN list in the European elections, if necessary “put people around the table”, as Sébastien Chenu recommends, it is not on the sidelines of commemorations. He pleads for “an international conference for peace” at the initiative of France. This is the role “historical” from the country “to be a diplomatic power, which has shed light on a certain number of conflicts”he says.