No fan-zone in Nancy during the World Cup in Qatar, the other municipalities in the department are thinking

4 years ago, Nancy supporters of the French football team met at the Gentilly Sports Palace to celebrate the second star. But now, less than a month before the start of the 2022 edition in Qatar, the atmosphere no longer seems the same. Calls for a boycott are increasing and the city of Nancy decided on Monday to follow the movement by not opening no fan zone during the competition, from November 20 to December 18. “In this period of ecological sobriety, the use of air-conditioned stadiums during this World Cup appears out of step with the challenges of ecological transition.“, we explain to the town hall.

Inspire others?

An initiative that could give ideas to the neighboring town of Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy. Mayor Stephane Hablot hasn’t made a decision yet on the way forward, but he recognizes this Tuesday that the arguments of his Nancy counterpart hit the mark. “These climate issues are demonstrated now, they challenge, so I understand the town hall of Nancy. I love football but it has to remain popular, that is to say for everyone. The survival of the planet is equally for all“, he describes.

But other municipalities, even if they do not organize a screen or a fan-zone during the Worlds, would not have had the same reasoning. In Pont-à-Mousson, for example, Mayor Henry Lemoine fully agrees with these fears, but he believes thatit’s too late. “I do not share the practices of Satar, but we had to ask ourselves the question at the time, when we made the choice to go there. Today, neither athletes nor fans should be taken hostage. We must allow them to see their favorite sport“, he replies.

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