no exploit for Les Herbiers in the eighth round, end of the adventure against Bastia

A cruel outcome for Les Herbiers. After 90 minutes of high quality against Bastia, the Vendéens finally bow this Friday evening at the Massabielle stadium after the penalty shootout (4-3 for CorsicansOne everywhere in regular time, and a constant fight.

No 32nd final in Massabielle

Faced with a team playing two divisions above, in Ligue 2, the Vendéens did not have any complex throughout the meeting. They even had the clearest chances of the first period, before finally the Bastiais Kevin Schur opened the scoring in the quarter of an hour of play.

Immediate reaction from Les Herbiers and penalty found on a nice combination on the right side. Pierre Grellier does not need to be prayed for and transforms the occasion into the half hour of play in two stages.

A stressful match

Behind these two goals, a second half much more padlocked, without an opportunity. In the end, the Vendeans will not repeat their feat of 2018, no access to the final of the competition.

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Now it’s time for the National 2 championship for the Vendeans who will be able to focus on it. In the standings, Les Herbiers are currently elevenths of their hen.

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