“No dignity, “have to pay the rent in the 8th”, “we are tired” … Sabrina Ouazi knocked out, her new role in the cinema disappoints Internet users

If she is currently showing season 3 of the “Plan Coeur” series on Netflix, Sabrina Ouazi will very soon sign her big return to the cinema with the film “Kung Fu Zohra” in which she plays the title role. In this feature film directed by Mabrouk el Mechri, the 33-year-old actress plays a woman named Zohra who cannot leave her husband Omar, despite the violence he inflicts on her on a daily basis. She then meets a Kung-Fu master who will teach her to defend herself and to fight back from now on…

While fans of the actress are happy to find her on the big screen, the announcement of the release of this film has annoyed several Internet users. “But these actresses who have been playing these same shitty roles since I was born, no one talks to them? Their entourage? I don’t know, we’re tired…” launched a user on Twitter. What provoke a wave of comments on the remarkable career of Sabrina Ouazani. “In all his films, his role is the girl from the rebellious city in street man mode, nothing else… Me, she gets drunk” can we read.

“When she’s not with a gwer who saved her from the grip of her wicked brothers, she’s with a violent Arab lol”, “Kung Fu Zohra oh nn the title is too much”, “Have to pay the rent in the 8th”, “Sabrina Ouazani is a collaborator, ready to play any role to make people believe that she is an actress. No dignity, no reflection, no intelligence, no value pushes her to question the roles that she ‘we lend him …’ are also among the reactions.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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