“No century-old tree will be cut down” at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, promises the municipality after a controversy

While a controversy erupted about a plan to fell trees at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, the town hall of Paris assures, Saturday April 30, that“no hundred-year-old tree will be cut down” near the famous Parisian monument. This was declared on Twitter by the first deputy of the city of Paris, Emmanuel Grégoire on Twitter. “We make the commitment”he adds on the social network.

The controversy was launched, among others, by the journalist specializing in environmental issues, Hugo Clément. In a tweet published Thursday, the journalist challenged the municipality on “OnE I”, a project to fell 42 trees, some of which are centenarians, as part of the renovation program around the monument.

The France nature environment Paris association had launched a petition on Friday, entitled “Eiffel Tower: no to the felling of trees, no to the concreting in classified wooded areas”. The petition had gathered, Saturday, at 5:30 p.m., more than 30,000 signatures, on a target of 35,000.

The municipality, which has not yet specified the new project, wanted to create approximately 16,000 m2 of additional green space around the monument, cut down 42 trees but plant 222 more.

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