“No cause justifies the violence”, reacts Valérie Pécresse after the intrusion of demonstrators in the Regional Council

Gérard Larcher, the President of the Senate, also criticized the action of anti-health pass protesters in the hemicycle of the Guadeloupe Regional Council.

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Indignant reactions. Valérie Pécresse, Gérard Larcher or even Renaud Muselier criticized the irruption of anti-health pass demonstrators in the hemicycle of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe. “No cause justifies violence!”, reacted Thursday, December 23 the candidate LR for the presidential election. “All my support for Ary Chalus, president of Guadeloupe, whose regional council has been forcibly invaded by anti-health pass”, she added in a tweet.

President LR of the Senate Gérard Larcher him “strongly condemns the violent eruption of opponents of the sanitary pass in an assembly where local democracy is exercised”. “All my support for the regional elected representatives and the President”, he wrote on Twitter. “This anti-democratic violence is condemnable and is not acceptable in the French Republic!”, also estimated the deputy president (ex-LR) of the association Regions of France Renaud Muselier on Twitter. He also brought his “support” and his “solidarity” to Ary Chalus and to “all the elected officials” of the Regional Council.

These demonstrators, who burst into the chamber on Thursday, spent the night there and continue a protest that has lasted for several weeks in the archipelago. They intend to put pressure on elected officials so that they ask for the participation of the State in negotiations on the issues at the origin of the social crisis in Guadeloupe, with first and foremost the vaccination obligation.

These negotiations have been suspended for two weeks. Protesters must decide on Friday what to do with the movement. Overseas Minister Sébastien Lecornu said on Twitter that“no claim justified hindering the smooth running of an assembly of elected officials in the middle of a plenary session”.

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