No car, no plastic, no plane… Sophie Marceau reveals her new life!

She didn’t wait until she was 55 to change her consumption habits. The favorite actress of the French, Sophie Marceau, who had denounced in 2018 the breeding of hens in cages in a video of the association L214 strikes a blow, in an interview granted to the Parisian. She who is well aware of being “spoiled”, has been making efforts for the planet for years now. And she would like the movement to be general.

“I halved what I consumed

Thus, she explains to our colleagues: “I halved what I consumed“, “I control my consumption of water, heating, electricity”. And to add that the plastic the “drives you crazy“. Sophie Marceau doesn’t have a car either, and she only flies when she has to. For 15 years now, she has found it absurd to do “more than 15,000 kilometers by plane to spend two days in Shanghai or Beijing“.

And in this fight, Sophie Marceau knows that she cannot be alone. That’s why she rants: “Sometimes I tell myself that we deserve a little what we have, because, frankly, we only think about our pleasure! We want everything, right away. And more and more. It’s We forget that, if we live, it’s thanks to this land, which is generous, what’s more”. And for the actress, you have to treat her with more respect, because “When you pick a fruit, the tree does not ask for money. He grows it, he gives it to you. We are arrogant and pretentious”.

>> To see also: “Soft and tasteless”, “Absent or on vacation”, “Rendez-nous Jacques Legros”: Marie-Sophie Lacarrau criticized since her return to 1 p.m. on TF1!

Committed, Sophie Marceau asks her fans to change their consumption habits. She asks : “Do you really have to fill your fridge to the brim and then throw away half the food?And to add: “And then, you have to stop eating meat twice a day (…) the party must remain exceptional”.

His appeal to decision makers

It also calls on the public authorities to take real measures. And tackle: “Why do the greats of this world plan to go to other planets? I don’t think that bodes well. We better take care of the one we already have today”.


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