No, CAF does not make its social benefits conditional on being vaccinated and does not have access to your medical file.

CAF would now have access to the vaccination status of its beneficiaries, according to a video, widely shared on social networks and which clearly implies that the unvaccinated will be deprived of social benefits. “If CAF asks you for your social security number, they automatically have access to your medical file, explains a woman in the video. And what will happen? At best, if you are not vaccinated, as they did for the caregivers, you will be out of money. “ Totally false words, the True False Cell explains to you.

What the woman claims in the video is doubly wrong. First, because CAF cannot access your medical file. Even if you give your social security number, this data remains confidential. Second, the payment of benefits is not at all linked to the fact of being vaccinated, but to your income or even to the composition of your household. The Family Allowance Fund, which we contacted, categorically denies what is said in this video.

As often, this false information is based on real elements. In this case, for two weeks now, you have been asked for your social security number to connect to your personal space. But it’s not to get your medical records. The objective of the CAF is to more individualize the allowances, whereas until now, it took into account the household, which could pose a problem in the cases of separations for example.

This change is legal according to the CNIL, National Commission for Informatics and Freedoms. The use of the social security number is regulated by law and does not allow access to the medical file.

Moreover, this number is already given to other sites such as retirement insurance or France Connect, which allows you to identify yourself for taxes or health insurance. It is the same now for the Caf but that does not in any way mean that social benefits are conditional on the vaccine. Moreover, the health pass is not compulsory to access Caf agencies.

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