The MP for Var and spokesperson for the National Rally reacts to Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration.
Reading time: 7 min

“It’s not a blank check”warns Laure Lavalette, deputy for Var and spokesperson for the National Rally on franceinfo Tuesday October 1, while Marine Le Pen recalled that the RN deputies will not censor the government of Michel Barnier after its general policy declaration. “If our red lines are crossed, we will censor this government”but “the politics of chaos is the worst politics” and it is necessary “act for France and the French” in this “completely unprecedented regime crisis context”she believes.
The Prime Minister announced a “exceptional contribution of the most fortunate French people” during its general policy statement. “These tax increases should be offset by measures for the middle classes and working French people”warns Laure Lavalette who affirms that the RN will be “very attentive” to the Finance Bill which defines the budget and “allows you to move from words to action”.
“We’re going to give the product a chance” on the question of the execution of Obligations to Leave the Territory (OQTF), says the MP. While Michel Barnier indicated that his government would not “will not refrain from further conditioning the granting of visas on obtaining consular passes necessary for deportations to the border”Laure Lavalette believes that it is necessary “go further”. According to the spokesperson for the National Rally, it is necessary “return to zero” visas awarded by France to countries with which there is no “consular passes” to begin a “showdown with countries so that they take back their delinquent nationals”.
On the subject, she warns that the National Rally “doesn’t trust” because “we have already paid before to see the Republicans who, in the campaign, speak like the National Rally but who ultimately govern like Macronists”she says.
Laure Lavalette finally believes that there is “a paradigm shift” in the “form and method” of this new government which respects the “voters of the National Rally”. But for the spokesperson of the RN, the executive has not “not much of a choice as the ideas of the National Rally are the majority in France”.