No basketball at the Poinçonnet gymnasium until the end of the next season for the president of the club

“We can say that there is very, very, very little chance that we will play on the gymnasium of the Forest next season, from September to mid-June next year”announces, annoyed, Pierre Bosquié, the president of the Poinçonnet basketball club. The building was badly affected by bad weather from May 22 to 23r, in Indre. And the consequences for the club are likely to be significant.

Work that could last for months

The fiber cement tiles were broken under the blows of hail, which caused flooding of the parquet. And to top it off, there is asbestos. The work is therefore likely to last for months. “We have just suffered a serious disaster and this will complicate our organization for the next year.“, continues the president of the club.

A financial loss of 200,000 euros

The gymnasium can therefore no longer accommodate training or competitions. But the most important problem for the president, it’s at the level of the sponsors. “We can no longer display our partners’ billboardsexplains Pierre Bosquié. And if we can no longer receive them, the financial loss is clear, it’s a loss of 200,000 euros for the season, or half the budget. For the club, we have ten, twelve employees depending on the season. And if I can’t pay everyone there, we run to disaster.”

It is therefore necessary to find a replacement gymnasium in the surrounding municipalities. Negotiations are already underway. And time is running out on August 3, training resumes.

source site-37