no arnica harvest in eastern France

It’s a harvest that normally takes place in the middle of July, but not this year.
The picking of wild arnica is canceled in the Vosges, due to drought.

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Arnica is a plant with yellow flowers, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It grows particularly in the Hautes-Vosges. This area usually supplies three quarters of the French wild arnica market. But this year, following the lack of spring rains, the flowers are not numerous enough and the professionals, in agreement with the local authorities, have decided not to organize a picking. This had already happened in 2020.

This plant is partly threatened by climate change because it is a mountain plant that likes coolness, humidity, snow in winter. It is not threatened with disappearance in protected areas or at altitude. But indeed for four years, its flowering has collapsed. The climate partly explains it, but not only, indicates Thibault Hingray, botanist at the Conservatory of the natural space of Lorraine because urbanization, more frequent mowing of fields, the use of fertilizers, also disturbs the ecosystem. of arnica, and reduces its area of ​​expansion. Arnica is not the only mountain plant affected by climate change.

The forests will grow higher to recover a little freshness and it is already a little the case. Studies carried out show that the number of plant species has doubled in the space of 150 years in mountain ranges. Besides, the mountains are greening and it can be seen from space. In early June, a Swiss study published in Science, showed from satellite images that plant productivity has increased by 80% over 40 years at altitude in the Alps. And it will continue.

By 2100, the Alpine massifs could lose 90% of their glacial surface. In summer in 2100, the summit of Mont Blanc should remain white, given the altitude, but just below the landscapes will be grayer, rockier, and a little lower, greener than today.

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