No anti-abortion candidates in the next elections!

No anti-abortion candidates in the next elections!

I couldn’t believe my ears. Did you know that the Conservative Party of Quebec is presenting an anti-abortion doctor in the next election? Nothing to fear, according to Éric Duhaime: his candidate, the Dr Roy Eappen, does not believe in legislating, and people “have the right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want” in their private lives. The problem is that the Dr Eappen does not intend to keep it to himself, he wants to “talk to people” to “change their opinion”. Are you reassured? Neither do I!

Privacy is one thing. When conservative politicians interfere in women’s lives, our rights are taken back.

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Decline in the United States

In the United States, the Florida House of Representatives has just voted to prevent women from terminating their pregnancies after fifteen weeks, without exception for rape or incest. In Texas, abortion is already prohibited as early as six weeks, even before many women realize they are pregnant. The Texas ban caused the number of abortions to plummet…on paper. In fact, women travel on their arm to have an abortion elsewhere or proceed themselves using pills ordered on the internet, without medical supervision. They no longer have a choice.

Behind these repressive laws are well-funded and highly mobilized religious groups. Not only do they also exist here, but they are more present than before, everywhere in Quebec. The number of anti-choice groups has risen sharply over the past decade, as has the disinformation they practice. Pregnant women who ask them for help are referred to clinics that do not perform abortions. They are told that a termination of pregnancy causes cancer or bleeding. These groups market themselves as so-called neutral or outright pro-choice “pregnancy centers,” but nothing could be further from the truth.

Thanks to an investigation by Urbania, we learned that two CAQ deputies fell into the trap and made donations to anti-abortion centers in their region. They pleaded they didn’t know and I have no trouble believing them. Nevertheless, this episode must mark the end of naivety and the beginning of a new mobilization.

Support women’s rights

I call on all candidates for the next elections to support women’s right to control their bodies, starting with concrete commitments: not to pay a single penny to groups that want to take us back, join pro-choice mobilizations and condemn loud and clear any intimidation against women who visit a clinic, such as the Vigil of the Quebec-Vie Campaign, in Sherbrooke. It is not enough to stand up for the right to abortion, the parties must commit to making the service more accessible, especially for women who live in remote areas.

Even under the best of circumstances, terminating a pregnancy is one of the most difficult choices one makes in life. Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of women who, in a moment of great vulnerability, are under pressure from those around them. It could be me. It could be you. For these women, the right to abortion is not a matter of opinion, it is a real battle. Are we going to stay in the stands or fight for them?

Manon Masse

Feminist activist for 25 years

Member of Parliament for Sainte-Marie–Saint-Jacques in the National Assembly

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