no agreement with the RN, “the outstretched hands were refused”, regrets the spokesperson for Reconquest!

“If the subjects we deal with are important, we must know how to ignore small quarrels“, declared this Friday Stanislas Rigault on franceinfo.

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There is no far-right alliance in this legislative campaign. Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally, has refused any agreement with Eric Zemmour’s party. “The outstretched hands were refused“, regrets Friday May 27 on franceinfo Stanislas Rigault, spokesperson for Reconquest!.

>> The Reconquest party! by Eric Zemmour announces to present 550 candidates

The spokesperson for Eric Zemmour’s party returned to his party’s attacks on the RN during the presidential campaign. “The people on the left, Fabien Roussel and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, hit each other in sometimes extremely strong ways, yet they managed to talk to each other. Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen had words during the presidential campaign, in the second round Eric Zemmour supported Marine Le Pen“, recalls the one who was invested in the 2nd constituency of Vaucluse. “If the subjects we deal with are important, we must know how to ignore small quarrels“.

“At the time of the third round, which are the legislative elections, Marine Le Pen did not accept the alliance offer proposed by Eric Zemmour”

Stanislas Rigault

on franceinfo

On the other hand, on the evening of the first round of the legislative elections, on June 12, if the candidates of the National Rally are better placed than those of Reconquête!, the party of Eric Zemmour promises to support them. “Obviously, faced with a candidate from Macronie or Nupes, obviously we will support them“, declares Stanislas Rigault. Despite the unfavorable polls, the party of Eric Zemmour hopes to obtain a group in the National Assembly. At the end of the ballot, Stanislas Rigault promises that the party “has several projects“, including major conferences led by Eric Zemmour, “so that people can understand it“, he assures.

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