Tuesday evening, the Head of State also called on his guests to close ranks around the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, to take collective control of the text.
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No 49.3, no dissolution and “everyone will take their responsibilities” . Emmanuel Macron cut short speculation on Tuesday, December 12, during a dinner at the Elysée. It was the third crisis meeting in less than 24 hours, after the snub suffered by the government on Monday afternoon in the Assembly, where deputies adopted a motion to reject its immigration bill.
Earlier in the day, the head of state had chosen to send the text to the joint committee (CMP), a body made up of seven deputies and seven senators responsible for finding a compromise that could be voted on in the assemblies. Tuesday evening at the Elysée, around a seafood platter, all the scenarios were scrutinized.
The first option: the CMP is conclusive. Deputies and senators manage to agree on a text. SO, “everyone will take their responsibilities during the vote in the Assembly”, said Emmanuel Macron, according to participants at this dinner. He declares himself ready to go to the end of the parliamentary path, and excludes recourse to 49.3. “Out of the question”, says the president. Same thing for the dissolution, and Emmanuel Macron is almost virulent.
“If there are people around this table who think disbanding is a good idea, I’ll tell them point blank that they’re doing it wrong and I’ll ask them to stop.”
Emmanuel Macronduring a dinner at the Elysée
Option 2: the CMP fails, deputies and senators cannot reach an agreement, and then this immigration law will simply be abandoned, confirmed the President of the Republic. With regrets, however, because Emmanuel Macron deplores it in every tone and does not budge: this text aims to protect the French.
“There is no individual success, there are only collective failures”
The other message given to the guests is clear: “There is no individual success, there are only collective failures”. Understand: we must now unite around the Minister of the Interior. No more failure “staff” by Gérald Darmanin, who made his ability to get the text adopted a personal challenge. After refusing his resignation without disavowing it, Emmanuel Macron now wants a collective takeover of this law, says a participant.
This Wednesday morning, Gérald Darmanin had planned a photo in Calais, a bit like the one yesterday in a police station in Val-de-Marne. Finally, he remained in Paris to receive alongside Elisabeth Borne the presidents of the majority groups and the Republicans in parliament. Finished with the solo score, time for a moment of collective recovery, which Emmanuel Macron even describes as solemn. In short: it makes or breaks. And what is at stake is his ability to govern the country and continue to act.