Nitrates and nitrites used as food additives (preservatives) and the risk of cancer

Nitrates and nitrites are naturally present in water and soil. They are also used as food additives (preservatives) in processed meats. They could play a role in the carcinogenicity of processed meat. Géraldine Zamansky, journalist for Health Magazine on France 5, details the results of this new study.

franceinfo: Would this study show a significant increased risk of cancers linked to these nitrites, and their cousins ​​nitrates, additives often present in cold cuts?

Exactly, this study is based on the follow-up of 101,056 volunteers for more than 6 years. We are here as part of the Nutri-Net Santé project led by Dr Mathilde Touvier. She explained to me how these volunteers had agreed to precisely describe their diet, even sending photos of the products purchased if necessary.

This allowed the researchers to measure the amount of food additives consumed by these people. And not just any additives: nitrates and nitrites. These are preservatives intended to limit the proliferation of bacteria in charcuterie. Their codes on the packaging are E249, E250, E251 and E252.

And these preservatives intended to avoid food poisoning would cause cancer?

Among the volunteers followed, the study shows that the risk of breast cancer is increased by 25% in people who consume the highest doses of added nitrates. And that this increase even reaches 58% for prostate cancer with nitrites. So those who are interested in water pollution know that it can contain it, just like vegetables.

And this is precisely the interest and strength of this follow-up. Thanks to the precision of the food information collected, the researchers were able to dissociate, for the first time with precision, the different sources of consumption. And these cancers appear specifically with the additives present in charcuterie.

These nitrates and nitrites “butchers” would be more dangerous?

In fact, Dr. Touvier explained to me that the dangerousness would come from the association with meat. Because it contains iron which stimulates, in the digestive tract, the transformation of these preservatives into a carcinogenic substance, nitrosamine. So some of you may have followed the parliamentary debates precisely devoted to the reduction of nitrites in processed meats at the beginning of this year.

There may be new rules in the coming months. They will depend on ongoing expertise at ANSES, the National Food Safety Agency, which is due to conclude this summer. But in the meantime, it is already possible to follow the recommendations of the health nutrition program by trying not to eat more than 150 g of cold cuts per week. Because you will certainly reduce your consumption of so-called saturated fats, another problematic ingredient contained in this family of foods.

And yes, once again, to consume in moderation!

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