Nino Arial at the Collioure Festival

Nino is a comedian, comedian and youtuber which has met with great success both on stage and on the web! He is currently performing the first parts of the tour of Mathieu Madénian who has also invited him to perform, next July, at his F’estival d’Humour de Collioure. In any case, it is living proof that the professional reorientation is possible !

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After several years in business school and a job as a banker, he decided to throw himself fully into the passion that had driven him since childhood: humour. A promising talent who has not finished making us laugh ! He did an HEC preparatory course and a business school, then he was hired by Société Générale as a PRO advisor. And then, a year later, he dropped everything to devote himself to the stage and to make videos on the internet.

The Collioure Festival

Created by the City of Collioure and imagined and actively sponsored by Mathieu Madenian, the Collioure festival aims to be popular and festive. In the idyllic setting of Square Caloni, which offers a unique view of the bay of Collioure and its bell tower, festival-goers will be able to discover young talent for humor as well as performances by established artists. This year, the festival will welcome among others Arnaud Ducret, Mathieu Madenian, and Booder, but also Christine Berrou, Gérémy Crédeville, Oldefaf or Elodie Arnould.

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