“Ninja Warrior” is back on TF1 for an even more exhilarating 6th edition

Ninja Warrior, embodied by the trio, Denis Brogniart, Christophe Beaugrand and Iris Mittenaere, returns for a new edition with a completely new qualification course, the most difficult ever with the appearance of the “Steel Tower”.

This season, from qualifying, the time will be more decisive than ever for the rest of the course for all candidates.

The best candidates should conquer both the course but also climb the mythical “Heroes’ Tower” faster than Jean Tezenas du Montcel. It has been 3 seasons that he remains undefeated: 1st man standing in season 3, he became the 1st Ninja Warrior of France in season 4, before failing last year a few centimeters from the buzzer. This year, he is once again putting his title on the line.

The qualification path

At each qualification course, the candidates will face 2 first obstacles and will then have to make a choice between course A and course B, each made up of two tests. This season again, the candidates have a limited time to overcome the first 4 obstacles! If they do not manage to beat this famous stopwatch, their course stops on the spot!

But this year, a new rule increases the difficulty and the pressure several notches. Only the 3 best in the standings at the end of the qualification course will win their ticket for the semi-final.

To join them, the 10 others, 8 men and the 2 best women of the evening, will compete in a brand new spectacular event: “the Battles of the Steel Tower”!

For the walls of “Ninja Warrior”, several possible choices: 3 tests for the Classic Wall or 1 single test for the 5m50 Mega Wall. If the candidate fails, he only has one attempt on the Classic Wall. If he succeeds, it’s 5,000 euros and a place in the final guaranteed.

The Steel Tower Battles

This obstacle was an integral part of the qualifying course last season. This year, the Steel Tower returns but in a completely new configuration which will push the candidates to surpass themselves even more.

For each Battle, 2 competitors will set off at the same time to attack this 12m high monster. They will have to climb the giant steps (1.20m each) to reach the top, then chain as quickly as possible 3 successive obstacles. The 1st or the 1st who buzz will qualify for the semi-final, the other will be immediately eliminated.

The semi-finals

During the same evening, the 8 best will advance to the semi-final (the 3 best times of the qualifications and the 5 winners of the Battles)!

The 1st will face the 8th, the 2nd will compete against the 7th and so on. The winner of each duel will gain his place in the final, the loser will be eliminated definitively.

At the end of this physically demanding semi-final, the best semi-finalist of the evening will win a joker: the right to restart an obstacle on which he would fall on the first 2 routes of the final.

This year again, the best girl, all semi-finals combined, will win her ticket to participate in the Grand Final.

The final

For the Grand Final, the candidates will face ever higher and more impressive obstacles! Everyone has only one goal in mind: climb the legendary “Heroes’ Tower” and its 23 meters high! And with each course, the obstacles change.

The programs will be themed around extreme champions, everyday heroes (firefighters, nurses, etc.), the next generation but also young champions.

source site-36