Nikos Aliagas “in excess” at the animation of the “Star Academy”!

21 years ago, Star Academy marked a real turning point in his career. First a journalist, Nikos Aliagas was “born on the TF1 antenna”, as a host. And “without a net”, he said in TV Mag, this October 6. The darling of the first channel has learned everything during these 7 very formative years.

He suffered “criticisms about him”

He explains to our colleagues that he learned a trade there that was not his. “That of entertainment“. To the Star Academy, he understood “a sense of showmanship, sometimes to excess”and learned “to run the shop” thanks in particular to stars like Madonna and Johnny, he says. And to add:I’ve learned that no certainty holds water when you’re live. You have to feel what is happening on stage”. And it must be said that “the first season was really hard” for those who give an impression of permanent ease. Nikos Aliagas admits to having suffered “criticisms about him”.

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A young animator at the time, if he managed to continue after Star Ac, it was because he knew “keep the right distance”and “don’t get lost in the buzz“, facing “steamroller“What was this show, remembers Nikos Aliagas.

To the point where “Make your way, your job and go home: that’s what I always try to do” he said. Humbly, the star of the paf (who now hosts The Voice or 50 minutes inside) admits about his career: “It does not belong to us, this is what the ‘Star Ac’ taught me. Of this light, of these hearings, in the end, there is nothing left“.

“It’s both exhilarating and moving.

Maybe that’s why he enjoys doing his job as much today as he did at 30, when he was a beginner and a little clumsy. And that’s what he plans to do every Saturday from October 15th. “I arrive with the desire to find Saturday evening live and to put young talents in the light, with moreover the know-how of these last years. It’s both exhilarating and moving” assures Nikos Aliagas. The fans of the first hour are in the same state!


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