Nikos Aliagas absent from the semi-final of The Voice! The reason revealed (EXCLUDED)

This semi-final The Voice 2022 was already announced full of twists, with, in particular, the new rule of the rescue of a Talent by Nolwenn Leroy. But a major unforeseen event came to mingle with the mechanics of the entertainment show, however well-honed. All lives of The Voice are indeed the promise of a grandiose show, all normally orchestrated by the hand of master Nikos Aliagas. But not this Saturday, May 14. The animator who has just celebrated his 53 years will not be there.

According to our information, Nikos Aliagas is unwell, which explains his absence. Her replacement was chosen in the person of Alessandra Sublet.

During this semi-final of The Voice, 10 Talents will compete: Mary, Doryan and Vike in Amel Bent’s team. For his part, Vianney hopes to see Louise, Pauline or Mister Mat succeed. Nour and Lou represent the Florent Pagny team and Loris and Caroline, that of Marc Lavoine. If a Talent per team will be chosen by the public to access the grand final, Nolwenn Leroy will make his comeback with a very important power: that of being able to fish out another Talent and thus offer him the possibility of also winning a place in the final. .

This long-awaited live from The Voice 2022 will therefore bring together live all the coaches of this season: Amel Bent, who recently welcomed his third child, a little boy with an unknown first name, the bachelor Marc Lavoine, separated from his wife Line Papin, Vianney, the happy father of a little boy and Florent Pagny.

Although suffering from cancer and embarked on a long tiring protocol, the 60-year-old singer let it be known this week that he would be in the game for the semi-finals. Nour and Lou will even sing with him during the show.

It was during a video posted on his Instagram page last Tuesday that Florent Pagny confided in the very positive progress of his cancer. He has an inoperable lung tumor that has shrunk significantly. “I’m going to finish The Voice, I’m going to finish chemo. Then I’ll go get stronger, plump up, and then if all goes well, we’ll meet again next year to finish what I started.“, he had declared, ironically on his change of look. Indeed, the singer with the great voice lost his hair, his beard and his eyelashes following his sessions of chemotherapy. “You see, I changed my look a bit, he launched with the self-mockery that we know him, before resuming his seriousness by adding: “A bit necessarily since it’s the treatment that wants it. But it’s okay, I’ll get used to it, and it will pass.”

Florent Pagny will wear glasses with slightly tinted lenses tonight to hide the loss of his eyelashes…

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