Nikola Karabatic: After the disappointment of the Euro, he finds a smile with his son Alek

At 37, the weight of the years begins to be felt for Nikola Karabatic. Considered the best player in the history of handball, the Frenchman no longer has much to prove and his longevity is remarkable, but we have to face the facts, he no longer has the same level of play. Present with the Blues at the Euro handball which ended last Sunday, Luka’s brother did not manage to take his people to victory, which he had achieved at the Olympics last summer. A disappointment for the colossus, but the sadness of the defeat was quickly erased when he returned home.

In a relationship for many years with the beautiful Géraldine Pillet, Nikola Karabatic is the happy father of two children, including Nora, the youngest born in August 2018. And nothing better to find a smile than spending time with his children for the Paris Saint-Germain handball player. Barely returned from the competition, he was able to find his son, Alex (born April 2016), as he showed to his 321,000 followers on Instagram. “There is no place like our home”, he writes in the commentary of a photo where we see him all smiles with his son on his shoulders. Obviously very happy to find his father, the little blond also displays a broad smile.

His wife and his mother to the angels

An adorable photo that his companion Géraldine Pillet did not fail to comment on: “My loves”, she writes with two beautiful red hearts. The player’s mother also left a short comment and for her, family ties are sacred: “The most important”, she wrote. A photo that pleased fans of Nikola Karabatic since they are nearly 10,000 to have commented on the publication posted online yesterday.

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