Nicolas Sarkozy suggests to Emmanuel Macron to turn “more frankly” to the right and to conclude “a political agreement”

“LFrance today is mostly on the side of the party of authority, firmness and freedom. (…) If I had one wish, it is that the political matrix of the president is closer to the matrix of the country as I feel it”, defends the former president in an interview with the “Journal du dimanche”.

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“The strategic axis of the country is clearly there.” French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to turn to the right “more frankly”defends the former Head of State Nicolas Sarkozy, Sunday, October 23, in an interview granted to the Sunday newspaper (subscriber edition). The ex-president suggests that he conclude “a political agreement” in order to remedy its lack of an absolute majority in the National Assembly.

“It is not insulting anyone to recall that President Macron comes from the left (…) I would sometimes like him to cross the Rubicon more frankly, because today France is mostly on the side of the party of authority, firmness, freedom, defends Nicolas Sarkozy in this interview. Call it center right, center, right republican, whatever: the strategic axis of the country is clearly there.

“I have no advice to give. I have always been suspicious of lecturers. But if I had one wish, it was for the president’s political matrix to be closer to the matrix of the country as I feel it .”

Nicolas Sarkozy

in the “Sunday Journal”, October 23

The former president, in this interview, points out the limits of article 49.3 of the Constitution, which makes it possible to pass a law in the Assembly without a vote, unless the vote of a motion of censure overthrows the government. Emmanuel Macron, he underlines, “could also seek to make a political agreement in good and due form with all the goodwill ready to constitute a majority in the higher interest of the country. We never deny ourselves when we make the choice of the general interest.”

Pierre-Henri Dumont, deputy secretary general of the Republicans, reacted to these remarks on Sunday morning on franceinfo. “The question is not to know what Nicolas Sarkozy wants, but to know what Les Républicains and Emmanuel Macron want, he points out. Neither wants a discussion based on a government plan.”

“We don’t want a government agreement because we were elected to be in the opposition, continues Pierre-Henri Dumont. On top of that, the government decides not to make any gesture towards the Republicans.”

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