Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to 3 years in prison, including 1 year firm



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

N.Perez, G.Messina, N.El Abid, Pourquery, N.Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

Nicolas Sarkozy was sentenced, Wednesday, May 17, to three years in prison, including one year, in the so-called wiretapping case. He is suspected of having tried to obtain information from a judge, and of having offered him a job in return. His lawyer announced his appeal in cassation.

He insisted on appearing at theaudience to hear his judgment, Wednesday, May 17. facing the courtyard, Nicholas Sarkozy is convicted on appeal for active bribery and influence peddling, To three years in prison including one year farm, and three years of disenfranchisements. Her lawyer announced his cassation appeal and requested a third trial.This decision is staggering, it is debatable in law”, believes Me Jacqueline Laffont. Same condemnation for Thierry Herzog, the friend and former lawyer of Nicolas Sarkozy.

Other trials await Nicolas Sarkozy

In 2014, the two men were wiretapped by the courts and indicted, accused to have corrupted the high-magistrate Gilbert Azibert, so that he inform on ongoing court cases. In exchange, a post at the court of Monaco. The magistrate also summer sentenced to three years in prison for passive corruption.

The conviction of the three defendants is suspendede pending a possible new cassation trial. Convicted in the Bygmalion case, Nicolas Sarkozy is awaiting his second trial, and in the case of the Libyan financing of the presidential campaign of 2007the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has just requested the referral to the Criminal Court.

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