Nicolas Sarkozy indicted


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1 minute


Nicolas Sarkozy was indicted on Friday October 6 in the investigation into the retraction of Ziad Takieddine in the affair of the Libyan financing of his 2007 campaign. The lawyers of the former President of the Republic affirm that he is “firmly determined to defend his honor.”

At the Paris judicial court, Nicolas Sarkozy answered the judges’ questions for more than three days. An interrogation lasting around thirty hours for the former President of the Republic, resulting, Friday October 6, in indictment for criminal conspiracy with a view to committing the offense of fraud in judgment, and concealment of witness tampering. Decisions which caused his lawyers to react, through a press release: Nicolas Sarkozy is firmly determined to assert his rights, establish the truth and defend his honor.

Ziad Takieddine could have been pressured

At the heart of the matter, Ziad’s strange about-face Takieddinea Franco-Lebanese businessman. He assured in 2016 that the former president had received Libyan money during his campaign, before completely changing his version four years later. According to investigators, the man may have been pressured and promised money to publicly exonerate Nicolas Sarkozy. HAS the maneuver according to the accusation, close to the former president and in particular Mimi Marchand, a figure in the celebrity press who kept her entrance to the Élysée under Emmanuel Macron. In total, the people involved would have spent 600,000 euros on this operation, which they called among themselves “Save Sarko“.

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