Nicolas Peyrac: Leukemia, autoimmune disease and transfusions … the singer finally gives his news

Lost of old? Never ! On June 2, 2022, Nicolas Peyrac released, not a new album, but his 4th unpublished novel, entitled Without forgetting that one day we loved each other, published by L’archipel. Playing with words has always been a mad passion for the author and singer, known in particular for his unforgettable So far away from LA. And it is in peace, far from red carpets and social events, that he sets about playing his pen, in Brittany, where he has lived for fifteen years in his childhood home, loaded with so many memories. .

I just live

He had set foot in the city of Montreal before feeling, on the death of his father, the mad need to find his roots. “I just livehe explains in the pages of the magazine France Sunday. I get up early. I accompany my daughter to high school, I write every day, I watch movies, I walk a lot with my dog ​​and I go to concerts, from time to time. ” Happy with Pascale for so many years, he had indeed adopted, with her, their little Sarah in China. She was 20 months old at the time, now she is a big teenager!

Many transfusions for Nicolas Peyrac

Of course, each member of the family has had a hard time in recent months. It’s very simple, Nicolas Peyrac scared everyone… especially his state of health since he was suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a blood cancer that affects the cells of the immune system whose he feared a recurrence. But where is the 73-year-old artist today? “I am in complete remission after having done four chemotherapyhe assures, always at France Sunday. I then had an autoimmune disease which resulted in an abnormal drop in the hemoglobin level, which earned me numerous transfusions. But now I’m better. I just have regular monitoring.“Everyone can finally sleep soundly…

Find the full interview with Nicolas Peyrac in the magazine France Sunday of November 10, 2022.

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