Nicolas (Love is in the meadow) as a couple and dad: revelations about his new life

Every Monday, Love is in the meadow 2022 fascinates M6 viewers. They can then discover a new episode of love seen from the meadow, the opportunity to hear from former farmers. After Gérard and Anne-Marie, it was the turn of Nicholas to announce great news to the public.

In 2014, during season 9, the public got to know the charming brown who is a cereal farmer in Lorraine. At the time, he was 35 years old and had a crush on a certain Magali, to the great misfortune of his other suitor Maryline. But it was alone that he had made his arrival on the balance sheet against Karine Le Marchand because according to him, it was going too fast with his ex-girlfriend. Since then, the farmer has come a long way, a very good way.

Nicolas revealed that at the end of Love is in the meadowhe met a woman named Aline. “Then we have a little girl, Margaux. She is five today“, he confided. Present at his side, Virginie de Love is in the meadow 2014 joked that there was no way she was his daughter, she was so beautiful. Not enough to disturb the charming brown who continued: “In my life, she brings me stability, the company we all dream ofshare stuff together. I already had two daughters, but with Margaux, she is both our ray of sunshine. It’s true that with the two big ones, it’s a big family.“A beautiful blended family that makes her happy.

For her part, Virginie also shared her immense happiness. For several years, she has been making perfect love with Thomas. And she too can boast of having a beautiful blended family since the one who was already the mother of a girl named Emilie welcomed Lucile (3 years old). A little girl at “strong character“as the farmer clarified.”She inherited her mother’s character“, she said. The couple then returned to their beautiful wedding in the Maldives, last March. A beautiful union to which several candidates from Love is in the meadow.

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