Nicolas Canteloup fired from Europe 1: a (really) huge check in his pocket

Nicolas Canteloup apparently had to leave Europe 1 whatever the cost and it was very expensive! As revealed by our colleagues from The Obs, the imitator-humorist who is a hit on TF1 has received a huge check … not to work.

Being fired from Europe 1 is a bit like winning the lottery for Alessandra Sublet’s accomplice in It’s Canteloup (TF1). The 57-year-old has touched 1 million euros while the radio station – criticized for its new management – was already in serious difficulty. It must be said that Nicolas Canteloup, through his producer Jean-Marc Dumontet, had signed a two-year contract and not a one-year contract. It was the first time in sixteen years of loyal service at Europe 1.

It is without “no explanation“that Nicolas Canteloup was thanked by the management. His producer had simply said”received a call telling him that despite [leur] contract, [ils ne seraient] not on the air. A call came to crown sixteen years of happiness“. According to him, one of his last columns in which he supported his fellow strikers worried about the takeover of Vincent Bolloré in the Lagardère group could be the cause of his dismissal.

At Parisian, Nicolas Canteloup explained: “When I did my last ‘Review of Almost’, I didn’t know it was the last. We are not naive, but we had no information then. We obviously also felt sadness. In this profession, the year of the presidential election is a very strong moment and we are deprived of this medium that we cherish.

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